Friday, November 30, 2012

7th Grade Chapel Buddy Play Time

7th Graders spent some time this morning playing with their preschool chapel buddies. They colored, played with Legos, read, and played 'house'. I am not sure who had more fun...the preschoolers or the 7th graders... :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

8th Grade Historians Work to Prepare Their Aztec Skits

Teamwork is a necessity for these 8th Graders who work hard to prepare and act a scene of Aztec society.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

7th Grade Girls celebrate the 2nd annual "Perry Poof Day"

Poll Booth 2012

Here is a picture of the poll station the JR. Hight students went to today to cast their vote.

Egypt Travel Brochures

 7th Graders show off and try to 'sell' their trip to the class to ancient Egypt!

Ancient Japan Skits

 Emperor of Japan ruling from his throne.

The Mongolians invading Japan in their 'ships'
Story Time: Nararated by a student

Nice Day to Work Outside!

8th Grade students enjoying being outside instead of the classroom today.

Election Day 2012

Students practice their right to vote in the General Mock Election Day 2012!